Markdown Editor

Markdown Editor
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Guide on how to use the Markdown editor available:

Step 1: Understanding the Markdown Editor Interface

  1. The Markdown Editor consists of two main sections: the input area and the output area.
  2. The input area is where you will write your Markdown text.
  3. The output area displays the rendered HTML output based on the Markdown you write.

Step 2: Writing Markdown

  1. Begin writing your Markdown text in the input area.
  2. Markdown uses a simple syntax to format text. For example, to create a heading, start a line with one or more hash (#) symbols, followed by a space and the heading text.
  3. You can create various formatting styles such as :
  1. Bold: To make text bold, select the text you want to format, and click on the "Bold" button. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + B to toggle bold formatting.
  2. Italic: To italicize text, select the text and click on the "Italic" button. You can also use the shortcut Ctrl + I to toggle italic formatting.
  3. Heading: To create headings, place a hash (#) symbol before the text. The number of hash symbols determines the heading level. For example, "# Heading 1" creates a level 1 heading, while "## Heading 2" creates a level 2 heading.
  4. Bullets List: To create a bulleted list, start each item with a hyphen (-), asterisk (*), or plus sign (+), followed by a space.
  5. Numbered List: To create a numbered list, start each item with a number followed by a period (e.g., "1.", "2.", etc.) and a space.
  6. Code: To format text as code, either wrap it in backticks (`) for inline code or use triple backticks (```) to create a code block.
  7. Clear Editor: To clear the editor and remove all content, click on the "Clear Editor" button. This action cannot be undone, so make sure to save your work before clearing the editor.
  8. Heading Level: You can specify the heading level by clicking on the "Heading Level" dropdown and selecting the desired heading level.
  9. Backward and Forward: Use the "Backward" and "Forward" buttons to navigate through your editing history and move to previous or next changes.
  10. Link: To insert a hyperlink, select the text you want to link, click on the "Link" button, and enter the URL in the provided field.
  11. Image: Click on the "Image" button to insert an image. Provide the image URL or upload an image file from your device.
  12. Toggle Preview: Use the "Toggle Preview" button to switch between the Markdown editor and a live preview of the rendered HTML output.
  13. Toggle Full Screen: Click on the "Toggle Full Screen" button to expand the editor to full-screen mode for a distraction-free writing experience.
  14. Export Markdown: Use the "Export Markdown" button to download your Markdown file (.md) to your local device.
  15. Export as PDF: Click on the "Export as PDF" button to generate a PDF version of your Markdown document and save it locally.
  16. Toggle Dark Mode: The "Toggle Dark Mode" button switches the editor to a dark color scheme for improved visibility in low-light environments.
  17. Toggle Spell Check: Enable or disable spell checking by clicking on the "Toggle Spell Check" button. Misspelled words will be highlighted.
  18. Table: Click on the "Table" button to insert a table. Specify the number of rows and columns in the dialog box that appears.
  19. Import Markdown: Use the "Import Markdown" button to open a Markdown file from your local device and import its content into the editor.

Step 3: Previewing and Exporting

  1. As you write your Markdown text, the output area will automatically update to display the rendered HTML output.
  2. Use the preview in the output area to check how your Markdown will look once converted to HTML.
  3. If you want to export your Markdown text as HTML, you can do so by clicking the "Export" button provided on the webpage. This will save the HTML code to a file on your device.

Step 4: Saving and Import Markdown

  1. The Markdown Editor allows you to save your work for future reference.
  2. To save your Markdown text, click the "Export Markdown" button format ".md" and "Export as PDF" button format "PDF". You will be prompted to choose a location on your device to save the file.
  3. To load a previously saved Markdown file, click the "Import Markdown" button and select the file from your device.

Step 5: Additional Features

  1. The Markdown Editor may offer additional features like themes, syntax highlighting, or other customization options. Explore the interface or refer to any provided documentation for more information on these features.

Step 6: Experiment and Practice

  1. The best way to become proficient in using the Markdown Editor is through practice.
  2. Experiment with different Markdown syntax and observe the changes in the rendered output.
  3. Don't hesitate to refer to online Markdown resources or tutorials to enhance your understanding and discover more advanced features.